home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- (procedure P_DEVICEINFO
- (cat #dev (getenv "TSTDEV_DEVICE") "\n"
- #unit (getenv "TSTDEV_UNIT") "\n"
- #devtype (getenv "TSTDEV_DEVICETYPE") "\n"
- #commandset (getenv "TSTDEV_COMMANDSET") "\n"
- #vendor (getenv "TSTDEV_VENDOR") "\n"
- #product (getenv "TSTDEV_PRODUCT") "\n"
- #revision (getenv "TSTDEV_REVISION")
- )
- )
- (procedure P_FINDBYVOLUME userlevel
- (if (= userlevel 0)
- (set #ret (run "testdevice CD0: volume setvar"))
- (set #ret (run (cat "testdevice " (askstring (prompt #entercdname) (help @askstring-help) (default "CD0:")) " volume setvar")))
- )
- (if (= #ret 0)
- (if (= (getenv "TSTDEV_DEVICETYPE") "CD-ROM")
- (if (< userlevel 2)
- (set #goon 1)
- (set #goon
- (askbool
- (prompt
- (cat #found "\n\n" (P_DEVICEINFO) "\n\n\n" #isok)
- )
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- )
- (if (= userlevel 0)
- (set #goon 0)
- (set #goon
- (askbool
- (prompt
- (cat #foundnotcd "\n\n" (P_DEVICEINFO) "\n\n\n" #isok)
- )
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- )
- )
- ((set #goon 0) (message #notfound (all)))
- )
- )
- (procedure P_FINDBYDEVICE
- (
- (set #name
- (cat "testdevice NAME="
- (askstring (prompt #findbydev) (help @askstring-help)
- (default "atapi.device"))
- " "
- (askstring (prompt #unitnum) (help @askstring-help)
- (default ""))
- " setvar"
- )
- )
- (working #search)
- (set #ret (run #name))
- (if (= #ret 0)
- (if (< @user-level 2)
- (set #goon 1)
- (set #goon
- (askbool
- (prompt
- (cat #found "\n\n" (P_DEVICEINFO) "\n\n\n" #isok)
- )
- (help @askbool-help)
- (default 1)
- )
- )
- )
- (set #goon 0)
- )
- )
- )
- (procedure P_CONFIGURECD
- (working #search)
- (P_FINDBYVOLUME @user-level)
- (if (= #goon 0)
- (if (= @user-level 0)
- )
- )
- (if (= #goon 0)
- )
- (if (= #goon 0) (abort #notfound))
- (tooltype
- (dest (tackon @default-dest "MUI_CD_Player"))
- (settooltype "DEVICE" (getenv "TSTDEV_DEVICE"))
- (settooltype "UNIT" (getenv "TSTDEV_UNIT"))
- (settooltype "LIBRARY"
- (if (= (getenv "TSTDEV_COMMANDSET") "CD32") "CDPlayers/cddevplay.library" "CDPlayers/atapiplay.library")
- )
- )
- )
- (set #language
- (if (= @language "polski") 1
- (if (= @language "deutsch") 2
- (if (= @language "italiano") 3 0
- )
- )
- )
- (select #language
- ; English translation
- (
- (set #search "Searching for CD-ROM...")
- (set #found "Found a CD-ROM drive:")
- (set #dev "Device: ")
- (set #unit "Unit: ")
- (set #vendor "Vendor: ")
- (set #product "Product: ")
- (set #revision "Revision: ")
- (set #devtype "Device type: ")
- (set #commandset "Command set: ")
- (set #foundnotcd "Found a device which is probably not a CD-ROM:")
- (set #isok "Use this device ?")
- (set #notfound "Could not find a CD-ROM")
- (set #entercdname "Enter the name of your CD-ROM\n(eg. CD0, CD1, CDR etc.)")
- (set #findbydev "Let's try to find the CD-ROM differently.\nEnter the device name:")
- (set #unitnum "Enter unit number:\n(or leave it empty if you don't know the number)")
- )
- ; Polish translation
- (
- (set #search "Szukam CD-ROMu...")
- (set #found "Znalazîem CD-ROM:")
- (set #dev "Urzâdzenie: ")
- (set #unit "Nr: ")
- (set #vendor "Producent: ")
- (set #product "Produkt: ")
- (set #revision "Wersja: ")
- (set #devtype "Typ urzâdzenia: ")
- (set #commandset "Zestaw komend: ")
- (set #foundnotcd "Znalazîem urzâdzenie, które prawdopodobnie nie jest CD-ROMem:")
- (set #isok "Czy mam uûyê tych danych ?")
- (set #notfound "Nie mogë znaleúê CD-ROMu")
- (set #entercdname "Wpisz nazwë CD-ROMu\(czyli np. CD0, CD1, CDR itp.)")
- (set #findbydev "Spróbujmy znaleúê CD-ROM w inny sposób.\nWpisz nazwë urzâdzenia:")
- (set #unitnum "Wpisz numer urzâdzenia:\n(albo pozostaw to pole puste jeôli nie znasz numeru)")
- )
- ; German translation
- (
- (set #search "Suche nach einem CD-ROM...")
- (set #found "Es wurde ein CD-ROM Laufwerk gefunden:")
- (set #dev "Device: ")
- (set #unit "Unit: ")
- (set #vendor "Hersteller: ")
- (set #product "Produkt: ")
- (set #revision "Revision: ")
- (set #devtype "Geräte-Typ: ")
- (set #commandset "Befehlssatz: ")
- (set #foundnotcd "Es wurde ein Gerät gefunden, das vermutlich kein CD-ROM ist:")
- (set #isok "Dieses Gerät verwenden?")
- (set #notfound "Ein CD-ROM konnte nicht gefunden werden")
- (set #entercdname "Geben Sie den Namen Ihres CD-ROM ein\n(z.B. CD0, CD1, CDR etc.)")
- (set #findbydev "Wir versuchen jetzt, das CD-ROM auf eine andere Weise zu finden.\nGeben Sie den Device-Namen ein:")
- (set #unitnum "Geben Sie die Unit-Nummer ein:\n(oder lassen Sie das Feld leer, falls Sie die Nummer nicht wissen)")
- )
- ; Italian translation
- (set #search "Ricerco il tuo CD-ROM...")
- (set #found "Trovato drive CD-ROM :")
- (set #dev "Dispositivo: ")
- (set #unit "Unita`: ")
- (set #vendor "Venditore: ")
- (set #product "Prodotto: ")
- (set #revision "Revisione: ")
- (set #devtype "Tipo Dispositivo: ")
- (set #commandset "Comandi disponibili: ")
- (set #foundnotcd "Il dispositivo trovato probabilmente non e` un CD-ROM:")
- (set #isok "Devo usare questo dispositivo ?")
- (set #notfound "Non riesco a trovare un CD-ROM")
- (set #entercdname "Digita il nome del tuo CD-ROM\n(es. CD0, CD1, CDR ecc.)")
- (set #findbydev "Cerco di trovare il CD-ROM in altro modo.\nDigita nome dispositivo:")
- (set #unitnum "Digita numero unita`:\n(o lascialo vuoto se non lo conosci !)")
- )
- )
- (set @default-dest "")
- (exit)